Delft like a local

Ok, so I am a local of Delft, but even for me this map, the ‘like a local city guide’, offered some surprises! Earlier this year this new city guide was launched, an initiave of two locals to provide some advice for the many tourists who visit our city!

Delft city guide

The other interesting guide is from ‘Blue Pearls of Delft‘ an initiave which already exists for some time now, and which also provides a lot of tips! This pocket book also contains discount tickets for many shops, restaurants and more! Both guides are available all over Delft, such as in the many cafe’s and shops which sponsor the initiatives. Also both have a facebook site which you can like to receive even more tips! Click here on the Facebook site of ‘Delft like a local‘ and here to the Facebook site of ‘Blue Pearls of Delft‘.